Some time ago I connected an IR diode, Ethernet shield and Arduino board together and created an universal remote for iPhone. It enabled me to change the TV channel over wifi using an iPhone.
This time, I wanted to go a little further and enable the TV to be controlled wirelessly via xbee and an Xbee/Ethernet interface. This would then be the first step to connect other input and outputs like temperature sensors and power relays. This could be devices like LCD's, driknmixers or music players. It would then be possible to log and read sensors and devices in my apartment, possibly enabling an autonomous home. Ideally, I would be able to control these devices in my home, using a generic device (i.e. iPad, iPhone, laptops or Xbee unit-to-unit communication)
I know that Sparkfun allready has an ethernet-xbee bridge module, but who wants to pay $139.95 (+shipping) for a module? Especially if you already have the components needed for this build. Here is how I intend to do it:
Step 1 : Enable the hardware part of Ethernet/Xbee gateway
The first step to enable the above is the Ethernet to Xbee gateway. The first ting to do is then to stack the shields as follows: Arduino|Ethernet|Xbee. Luckily, there is already some info on how to achieve this on Sindono Labs website.
I followed The Sinodo instructions. Pretty straight forward. I did however bend the male headers and cut the pins to the female headers. This way I could stack both the Ethernet shield and the Xbee shield on top of each other without getting any loose connections.
It was no problem connecting to the Xbee via
Step 2: Enable a I/O protocol for the Xbee/Ethernet bridge [Work Done (17.07.2011), More information is coming..]
Step 3: Write the code for Xbee-IR module [Work in progress]
Step 4: Enable Pachube updates via the Xbee/Ethernet bridge [Work in progress, Implementing ASAP (17.07.11)]
[To be blogged...]
Hi Knut,
SvarSlettWhat a funny experience. I am Arno Jansen, and I run the website and as I was looking for ways to improve my xbee to ethernet gateway I came across your site! Only to see you are linking to mine. I must have missed that when going through my stats :-)
You have provided some great info here, I will add a link to this page on mine as an addendum.
Hi Knut,
SvarSlettYou mentioned a Sparkfun item as being an Ethernet-xbee bridge module. It's actually the Connect Port X2 made by Digi:
I'm looking for such device which seems to be hard to find. I'm not worry about the price because it's not for me, but for the lab at work. From having a chat with a Digi representative the Sparkfun item you mentioned it is not an Ethernet Gateway or bridge, it's actually passing serial data. It won't work as a ZigBee bridge to communicate 2 Ethernets. The X2 does serial over IP, in the middle there is ZigBee (which supports serial data). From your experience, could you please confirm that that device it's not actually making an Etrente-XBee bridge? Many thanks? Liviu